Alan Mandell Chiropractor Motivational Doc Humanitarian

Dr Mandell has helped hundreds of thousands of people worldwide with his self-help videos to get well naturally, without the use of drugs, dangerous side effects, and invasive procedures.  His years of experience through spinal bio-mechanics (the study of the mechanical laws relating to the movement or structure of living organisms) is what sets him apart from all others. His focus is working with spinal related conditions, as in forward head posture, rounded shoulders, neck pain, back pain, pinched nerve, disc herniation, bulging disc, osteoarthritis, headaches, and postural imbalances.  He believes we should never underestimate the healing ability of our inner-selves.  Through education, perseverance, love, and faith, every human being has the ability to excel with their healing powers.

Motivationaldoc. All rights reserved. 2017
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